About us

In English Między Niebem a Ziemią means Between Heaven and Earth. That’s where the dreams are made.

The parents’ dreams of health for their seriously sick children, of happiness, painless life and sleepy nights.

The children’s dreams about coming back to their Mom, Dad and colleagues. To a normal child’s life, fun and joy.

Foundation Between Heaven and Earth helps during the most difficult moments of life. In illness and suffering – for the children, parents and caregivers.

You can help us by making a payment to our bank account:
75 1240 6768 1111 0010 5700 3181
Title: donation

How do we help?

Since 2011 we provide complex care for families with seriously ill children. We finance rehabilitation, specialized equipment like rehabilitation beds and wheelchairs, medicines and rehabilitation camps. Foundation helps parents with legal issues, organizes weekend meetings for them and finances more stuff like house renovations, food and firewood purchase or psychological therapy. We also help healthy siblings of a sick child with their psychological health and organize their dream holidays, which they could almost never afford.

How did it start?

My name is Sylwia Zarzycka and I am the founder of Foundation Between Heaven and Earth.
I’ve been dreaming about starting a foundation for a long time. A need for doing something great and helping other people has been in me for years. It all started in 2010, when I first met Eliza Kugler and her sick daughter Ala.

I found out that Eliza was a single mother and was taking care of her handicapped daughter for almost ten years. When she started to tell me about her – unimaginable for me – struggles about Ala’s illness, how hard Eliza has to work to maintain their both lifes and how often they can’t afford medications, food and everyday expenses I decided to help her.

As a lawyer, my help started with filing a lawsuit. There was a big chance that Ala’s illness was a result of medical failure, because Ala was born healthy. After a few months, I’ve started to look wider and wanted to help more families. That was the main reason to found Between Heaven and Earth. The joy of giving is always bigger than receiving.

Our mission

Our complex help for whole families gives us an opportunity to meet the needs of every family member. We are proud to say that we are one in a few foundations in Poland that does this.

We are helping almost 100 women, mothers of ill or handicapped children, to get back on their feet by organizing monthly meetings for them. They can participate for free and get psychological and legal consultations and meet other mothers in similar situation. As they say – the worst thing in having an ill child is the isolation they are put in.

We also provide a caregiver help for families with sick children. Most of them say that it’s the most useful and relieving thing that we could do for them. Some parents got back to work or schools, which they could never do while taking care of their child 24 hours a day. It’s one of our biggest projects – we employ almost 40 caregivers who visit our families and help them every day.

Our Foundation also fights the stereotype of men leaving their families when a seriously sick child is born. This year, we started a series of podcasts including fathers of our proteges. Sylwia Zarzycka, the president of Foundation, talks with men herself. These conversations help to understand how hard it is for fathers to deal with the situation while being so underrated. Their help is valid and important – that is what we want to show.